Barn of Parts Sled Salvage LLC
Barn of Parts Sled Salvage LLC
Used Parts - New Parts - Custom Engineered Products
717-821-9639 - 501 S 14th Ave Lebanon, PA 17042

What's new at BOP? Check out the blog for updates on what we are up to. We will post updates on new products we are developing as well products from other vendors we test.
To place an online order select "Online Store" in the menu.
The online store allows filtering options so purchasers can shop by sled. There is also a search feature to help you quickly find an item. All BOP designed products, and vendor products we carry can be purchased in the online store. The store accepts paypal and credit card payments. You do not need a paypal account to check out.
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New Products in Development
Oil Leak from Air box Solution - The 20+ Sidewinders vent the oil tank into the air filter in air box. The foam get saturated with oil over time and then the oil drips down the belt guard an onto clutches. Working on a solution to contain the oil inside the air box or re direct it else where in the intake tract.
Attention Canadian Customers! I am still offering 20% discount to you on all BOP designed & manufactured products to help offset the currency exchange. The online store will not compute this, so please contact me direct if interested in making a purchase. There are some exclusions such as spring products. Just ask for details.

Rider Alert Devices are now in stock. Get yours today to make trails safer for everyone! They can be purchased in the online store. For more info check out the page in the menu.

Yamaha 4 Stroke Snowmobile Specialists
Yamaha 4 Stroke Snowmobile Specialists